useful information about free spells…

Dear Friends!

After receiving some emails with doubts and questions, I want to explain something about the free spells.

These spells are regular spells with a high success rate and with enough power to solve simple cases.

There are different levels of complexity in each situation, and sometimes, a case that seemed simple was actually complicated from an energetic point of view.

What does this mean? Well, if you had a regular spell, then the energy invoked won’t be strong enough, or it might take a long time before you have the results expected.

This doesn’t mean that your case is hopeless or the magick won’t work for you. It means that you have to get something more substantial or faster, like a “hard cases” spell.

I had a client ten days ago who had had a free cast from me, but the situation didn’t seem to improve, so he returned to me, and I suggested a more potent spell. Now he is in the middle of a reconciliation with his ex!

So, do not feel disappointed if the results are taking long. Contact me, and together we will see what’s best for you.

Remember that I am casting free spells until Feb 18th, and for those who had a free cast but want an upgrade, I will offer a great discount.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you think a different spell will help you.

Best regards!