Gems and stones powers

Dear Friends, I am writing to you this time to give you a quick guide on gemstones and their properties. Many of the stones are used in my spell casting. I also use some as jewelry, depending on which vibe I require.

You see, gemstones and crystals have been used for centuries to aid people in many ways, like healing and reconnecting with the Divine. Gemstones and crystals enhance our natural healing and psychic abilities as well. The following are some basic metaphysical properties of them:

Alexandrite – Enhances the rebirth of the inner and outer self. It promotes awareness.

Amber – A powerful healing energy. Purifies and enhances spiritual growth and transforms negative energies into positive, allowing the body to heal itself.

Amethyst – Promotes spiritual awareness and awakening. It balances the energies of body, mind, and spirit. Amethyst is said to aid one in meditation and dreaming. It is also known as a protective stone.

Angelite – promotes love, compassion, and healing. It also enhances communication with the angelic realms and animal spirit guides. It is said to help aid telepathic communication between two people when they carry a stone when separated.

Apatite – Enhances communication and encourages one to achieve one’s goals. Highly psychic.

Aquamarine – Helps to banish fear and calm one’s nerves. Enhances strength and self-control.

– Excellent healing stone. Promotes courage, strength and revitalizes our energies on all levels. It helps one to live in the present moment. The ancients used it as a way to connect and communicate with their ancestors in the spiritual realm.

Blue Lace Agate
– Soothing soft energy. It promotes grace and inspiration in one’s life.

Carnelian – This stone enhances one’s physical energy and helps speed up releasing sorrow and trauma. It promotes the powers of creativity, compassion, and courage.

Charoite – The Russians first discovered this stone in 1947. It cleanses your aura and accelerates spiritual growth. Place this stone beneath your pillow at night to assist with disturbing dreams, especially those where you experience fear.

Chrysocolla – Promotes balanced expression and open communication with others. Enhances one’s abilities to attune to Mother Earth’s energies. This stone encourages the realignment of mind, body, and spirit.

– This mineral is good for spiritual protection and often aligns the chakras with the ethereal plane.

– Assists in attracting the energies of abundance and wealth. This stone balances and aligns the chakras. It promotes creativity, optimism, intuition, and inspiration.

Clear Quartz – A great all-purpose stone. Quartz amplifies the energies of all other stones. It enhances healing and communication with the elemental kingdom, animal kingdom, guides, and angels.

Emerald – This stone is used to open, activate and stimulate the heart chakra and symbolizes love and good fortune. Emeralds also assist those in need of balance, healing and promote peaceful dreams. It also enhances psychic abilities, raises consciousness, and has excellent healing powers.

Fluorite – Encourages objectivity, intuitiveness, and focus. Enhances our abilities to remove unwanted energies and assist us with bringing our mind, body, and spirit into balance and harmony.

Garnet – Promotes healing and protection. Assist one in manifesting what is needed to heal.

Green Aventurine – promotes healing and soothes troubled emotions. It clears, activates, and opens the heart chakra. It enhances one’s creativity and brings good luck.

Hematite – This is a great grounding stone. It helps one to transform negative energies into positive ones. It balances the meridians of the body and encourages peace and tranquility.

Howlite – Promotes inner strength and character. Assists one in working on releasing judgments and selfishness. It enhances the release of stress and anger.

– This stone is considered one of the central stones for the third eye and crown for healing and guided meditation. It is a potent “shaman” stone, which enhances shamanic healing, shamanic journeying, and soul retrieval. It also assists and stimulates a healer’s intuitive abilities and communication with the higher self.

Jade – Many cultures consider jade a sacred stone. It is said to enhance one’s ability to interpret dreams and assist one in manifesting their dreams. It promotes healing, devotion, confidence, and self-esteem.

Jasper – a very nurturing and protective stone. It helps one align their chakras and also helps you to ground with the energies of Mother Earth. It is also said to calm dysfunctional energies and help with eliminating negativity from one’s life. Encourages spiritual awareness and assists one in astral travel.

– This mineral activates the heart chakra and aligns the heart chakra with the throat and third eye chakra. It is a high-level stone and strengthens the auras of spiritual healers and teachers. It can also be used to deepen altered states of consciousness. Pink kunzite dissolves negativity and automatically raises the vibrations of the area surrounding it. Kunzite is one of the few stones, which can align the seven chakras within a twenty-four-hour period.

Kyanite – This is one of those stones, which never needs clearing or cleaning, and it also aligns all the chakras automatically and immediately. It is often used for the throat and third eye chakras, but you may also find it beneficial to place blue kyanite below the heart chakra and black kyanite near the root chakra. This is an excellent stone for meditation, dream recall, and shamanic work because it gives protection during these states of consciousness.

Labradorite – This stone was first found in Labrador, Canada, in 1770 among the ancient artifacts of the Red Painted People of Maine. It protects the aura and keeps the aura clear, balanced, and free from energy leaks. This stone is suitable for shadow work allowing us to bring light to our shadow self and believe in providing relief from anxiety, hopelessness, and depression.

Lapis Lazuli – The ancient Egyptians highly prized this stone and sacred to the Goddess Isis. Lapis is said to have existed before “time was born”, and may assist one in gaining access to the Akashic Records. This stone activates and energizes the third eye and the throat chakra. It also helps one develop insight into one’s dreams, providing a connection with your dream guides, and is said to shield the wearer from harmful energies by clearing the aura.

Lepidolite – This stone activates the throat, heart, and third eye chakras. It is also known as the vacuum cleaner of negative energies. It is helpful for gridding one’s environment, promoting a calming and soothing effect. I also use rose lepidolite to locate energy blockages within the body and to drain excess electrical energies.

Malachite – clears and activates all the chakras. Encourages insight and clarification to promote the release of negative energies.

Moldavite – This stone enhances spiritual growth and psychic awakening and is considered to be a potent healer. Moldavite is a stone of transformation and is believed to be associated with the Holy Grail, a talisman falling from the sky to heal the earth. It is an excellent protection stone for spiritual healers.

Moss Agate – Aides one in balancing the emotions and healing the heart chakra. It promotes a positive outlook and may be used to enhance plant growth.

Obsidian – a great stone for protection, healing, and grounding. It enhances one’s connection to Mother Earth. Aides one in meditation and brings about purification on all levels.

Onyx – A stone of protection, helping one connect with their guides, totems, angels, and the Great Divine. It encourages strength, willpower, happiness, and good fortune.

Opal – The Native American Indian has used it to invoke visions, and the Aboriginal Australians use it during ceremonial “Dream-time.” It is a stone of renewal and helps guide one on their journey through life. It offers a connection between the self and inner knowing and also assists one in releasing old patterns and the trauma of old wounds. It is an excellent spiritual activator teaching love and nonviolence.

Pearls – Pearls were considered sacred in ancient times and said to attune the wearer to the ebb and flow of life. They also protect one from harm and promote love, truth, charity, integrity, and faith. White pearls are associated with the 7th chakra, which governs the highest brain centers allowing oneness with God, Goddess, The Divine, Peace, and Wisdom. Pearls are also used for healing blocked and damaged chakras. They are for spiritual transformation and help assist us with receiving spiritual guidance.

Peridot – Cleanses, protects, and shields the aura. It promotes happiness and aids one in releasing anger/or jealousy. Assists one with the release of energies or patterns, which are no longer useful.

Rainbow Moonstone – Brings good fortune and cleanses one of negativity. It promotes one’s intuitive abilities.

Rhodochrosite – Promotes love and balance on all levels. It enhances one’s meditation and expansion of consciousness. It helps with balancing emotions and enhances one’s ability to connect with the energies of Mother Earth. Rhodochrosite accelerates the expansion of consciousness.

Rhodonite – This stone is very calming and soothing. Assists one in achieving their highest potential by dispelling anxiety and fear. It encourages compassion and generosity.

Rose quartz – promotes love, forgiveness, peace, and self-acceptance. It soothes the emotions and helps open the heart chakra, promoting unconditional love of self and others.

Ruby – The ruby is believed to be an excellent power shield against harmful intentions and said to protect you against psychic or physical attacks. It stimulates the heart chakra and encourages love, gentleness, wisdom, and understanding. It also enhances healing, dreaming, and access to information from one’s spiritual guides.

Rutilated Quartz – Enhances energies in other stones.

Smoky Quartz – An excellent protection stone. It promotes grounding and the removal of negative energies. It enhances intuition, creativity, and joy. Assists one in communicating with the spiritual beings of other realms. Very powerful!

Sugilite – Enhances physical healing and reduces stress. Promotes emotional balance and strengthens the heart.

Tanzanite – This is a stone of magic, facilitates spiritual awareness and insights.

Tigers Eye – A great protection stone and helps one to achieve clarity. It promotes good business endeavors.

Topaz – Enhances tissue regeneration. It promotes clear communication and understanding. Topaz stimulates the creative thinking process.

Tourmaline – Paraiba Tourmalines enhance well-being, promote inner-strength, spiritual inspiration and encourage a desire to help and support others – a stone for healers –
This stone is used to align the heart, throat, and third eye.

Tourmaline – A great healing stone. Relieves fatigue and encourages restful sleep. It enhances love for self and others.
Turquoise – master healing stone. It encourages healing on all levels—healer of the spirit. Also, it’s a wonderful stone for protection. It enhances communication with the spirit world and promotes inner strength, wisdom, trust, and kindness for all our relations.

I hope you found this helpful!