Halloween is getting closer…

Halloween coming!

Don’t you feel it in the air? The energies are getting aligned! This time of your is perfect for solving complicated situations you have been wanting to solve for a long time. The veil between the living and the spirit realm is at its thinnest and we can be aided by our ancestors in each spell cast.

Keep your eyes open, I will be offering great spells and deals this coming October, so we can all celebrate Halloween and get the benefit of its powers!


Luck spells empowered!

Hello friends!
I just wanted to drop a quick note about the luck spells. I have been working on new formulas to make them even more powerful! Yes, that’s right, I have improved them a lot, so now they are more powerful and accurate!

If you feel that life is not on your side, if you should have more chances and deserve more, do not hesitate and get one spell for luck!

I am working hard to improve all the other spells, so I will keep you informed about my progress 😀


Luck spells

Welcome 2012!!!

Fill with positivity your life. Open your arms and heart to this new year: a new beginning, a new era. Take control of your future by deciding and acting, don’t let things control your life instead.

I am here to help you achieve your wishes and allow this new year to be the best!

Magick will help you to achieve your wishes, so do not hesitate to ask for my help.

Love spells, Money spells, Beauty spells, Lottery spells, Luck spells, body spells. Whatever your need is, I will have the perfect spell.
Love to all!

Some inner thoughts…

Our deepest fear is not to be inadequate. Our deepest fear is to let our light shine. It’s this light, the one that frightens us, not our darkness. We wonder, “who am I to be brilliant, beautiful, talented, successful, extraordinary?” The right question should be, “who am I not to be all that?

Face your fears and limitations by accepting them. Ask for and receive help and light that people like me are willing to give to enhance your life.

Spells for love, success, money, body, luck will make these wonderful things that are meant to be, happen for real. Go ahead, talk to me, I will help you.



FAQ section updated

Hi, my dear friends!

I wanted to write in this opportunity to tell you that I have updated the FAQ section, so before you contact me, you get all the information about my work and spells first. This will help to make our contact smoother and faster. Since I have so many different cases, it is hard for me to respond to all the questions ASAP. So be sure that before you contact me, you take a look at the FAQ section.

And don’t forget, a good spell is always an investment in your happiness, so do not feel afraid of spending and spoiling yourself a little bit with what it could and will be a life-changer.

Whatever your problems are: Love, finances, body issues, insecurities, friends, career, luck, etc., I will have an answer and a solution for you.



Special spells upgraded!

Hi, my dear friends! It’s been a while since my last post, and I wanted to tell you that I have been swamped with some Internet problems. But I am here and back!

I wanted to tell you that I have been working hard to upgrade all my spells. I have traveled a lot and gathered new information and materials. So far, I have been worked on my special spell. I have improved them, making them faster and more efficient! I will work with all my other spells as well, but one step at a time (since I have so many varieties of spells!).

Spells are like fashion. They can become obsolete after a while, so the spell caster needs to remain informed and open-minded. I like the changes, and I am not afraid to try new formulas, chants, and materials because it is all for the greater good.

So you know, if your case is HARD and you have tried everything to solve it, contact me at my email address listed on the website and ask for the special spells. They will do the work you want for sure!

And don’t forget to check my website for other spells: love, money, luck, body, beauty.

Love to you all!!!


Spiritual retreat!!

The last week of July is an exceptional time for those who are involved with magick like me.

The energies are especially strong, so that is why I choose to work from a spiritual retreat, where the energies are concentrated, and the magick will go through better.

Have said that, please be patient if you write and you do not get a fast answer. I will do my best to answer all as fast as possible (If you already got a spell from me, please mind that if it takes me a while to write, it doesn’t mean that I am not working in your case, it means that I cannot come online often, that’s all).

New special spell for hard cases!

I have finished my masterpiece of spells!

It is a unique spell; therefore, I will be performing it seven times only.

This spell is the actual 1 Wish spell. The difference is that this spell will be able to grant ANYTHING you want. Yes, no limits, anything.

So, if you have something special that you have dreamed of, do not hesitate to contact me. Do not forget to include your full name and DOB, so it is easy to pick suitable candidates for the spell.

And remember my other spells for any other problems you have, and you want a solution: love spells, luck spells, money spells, beauty spells, body spells. Just check my site, and there you will find what suits you best.

All the best,


a very interesting article about: Zodiac sign

Hi friends! I found this article, and I think it’s fascinating.
Even though it is not entirely what I do, I base most of my work on the Zodiac, so you have some information about it.
And remember, you can always contact me about your problem. We will work out a particular spell and fix your situation.


In astronomy, the zodiac is the ring of constellations that lines the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun across the sky over the course of the year. The Moon and planets also lie within the ecliptic, and so are also within the constellations of the zodiac. In astrology, the zodiac denotes those signs which divide the ecliptic into twelve equal zones of celestial longitude. As such, the zodiac is a celestial coordinate system, more precisely an ecliptic coordinate system, taking the ecliptic as the origin of latitude, and the position of the sun at vernal equinox as the origin of longitude.

It is known to have been in use by the Roman era, based on concepts inherited by Hellenistic astronomy from Babylonian astronomy of the Chaldean period (mid 1st millennium BC), which in turn derived from an earlier system of lists of stars along the ecliptic. The construction of the zodiac is described in Ptolemy‘s Almagest (2nd century AD).

The term zodiac may also refer to the region of the celestial sphere encompassing the paths of the Moon and the planets corresponding to the band of about eight arc degrees above and below the ecliptic. The zodiac of a given planet is the band which contains the path of that particular body, e.g. the “zodiac of the Moon” is the band of five degrees above and below the ecliptic. By extension, the “zodiac of the comets” may refer to the band encompassing most short-period comets

The term zodiac derives from Latin zōdiacus, in turn from the Greek ζωδιακός κύκλος (zōdiakos kuklos), meaning “circle of animals”, derived from ζώδιον (zōdion), the diminutive of ζῶον (zōon) “animal”. The name is motivated by the fact that many of the signs of the classical Greek zodiac are represented as animals (six out of twelve, plus two mythological hybrids).

Although the zodiac remains the basis of the ecliptic coordinate system in use in astronomy besides the equatorial one, the term and the names of the twelve signs are today mostly associated with horoscopic astrology.


“The division of the ecliptic into the zodiacal signs originates in Babylonian (“Chaldean“) astronomy during the first half of the 1st millennium BC, likely during Median/”Neo-Babylonian” times (7th century BC) , continuing earlier (Bronze Age) systems of lists of stars. Babylonian astronomers at some point during the early 1st millennium BC divided the ecliptic into twelve equal zones of celestial longitude to create the first known celestial coordinate system: a coordinate system that boasts some advantages over modern systems (such as equatorial coordinate system or ecliptic coordinate system). The Babylonian calendar as it stood in the 7th century BC assigns each month a constellation, beginning with the position of the Sun at vernal equinox, which at the time was the Aries constellation (“Age of Aries“), for which reason the first astrological sign is still called “Aries” even after the vernal equinox has moved away from the Aries constellation. However, a scientific analysis of the location of the constellations suggest their determination in this region in the Bronze Age (~2700 BC), thereby suggesting an earlier establishment of the constellations.

The Babylonian zodiac also finds reflection in the Hebrew Bible. The name of the twelve signs are equivalent to the names in use today, except that the name of the Eagle seems to have been usually substituted for Scorpio. The arrangement of the twelve tribes of Israel around the Tabernacle (Numbers 2) corresponded to the order of the Zodiac; and four of the tribes represented the middle signs of each quarter: Judah was the Lion, Reuben the Man, Ephraim the Bull, and Dan the Eagle. Thomas Mann in Joseph and His Brothers takes the Blessing of Jacob as attributing characteristics of a sign of the zodiac to each tribe. The faces of the cherubim, in both Ezekiel and Revelation, are the middle signs of the four quarters of the Zodiac: the Lion is Leo; the Bull is Taurus; the Man is Aquarius; and the Eagle is Scorpio.

Hellenistic astrology was a syncretism of Babylonian and[Egyptian astrology], and it was in Ptolemaic Egypt where horoscopic astrology first appeared. The Dendera zodiac, a relief dating to ca. 50 BC, is the first known depiction of the classical zodiac of twelve signs.

Babylonia or Chaldea in the Hellenistic world came to be so identified with astrology that “Chaldean wisdom” became among Greeks and Romans the synonym of divination through the planets and stars.

The Hindu zodiac is a direct loan of the Greek system, adopted during the period of intense Indo-Greek cultural contact during the Seleucid period (2nd to 1st centuries BC).

In Hindu astrology, the individual signs are called ‘rāshi. The transmission of the zodiac system to Hindu astrology predated widespread awareness of the precession of the equinoxes, and the Hindu system ended up using a sidereal coordinate system, which resulted in the European and the Hindu zodiacs, even though sharing the same origin in Hellenistic astrology, gradually moving apart over two millennia that have passed since. The Sanskrit names of the signs are direct translations of the Greek names (dhanus meaning “bow” rather than “archer”, and kumbha meaning “water-pitcher” rather than “water-carrier”).

Particularly important in the development of horoscopic astrology was the astrologer and astronomer Ptolemy, whose work, the Tetrabiblos laid the basis of the Western astrological tradition. Under the Greeks and Ptolemy in particular, the planets, Houses, and signs of the zodiac were rationalized and their function set down in a way that has changed little to the present day. Ptolemy lived in the 2nd century AD, three centuries after the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes by Hipparchus around 130 BC, but he ignored the problem, apparently by dropping the concept of a fixed celestial sphere and adopting what is referred to as a tropical coordinate system instead.

The High Middle Ages saw a revival of Greco-Roman magic, first in Kabbalism and later continued in Renaissance magic. This included magical uses of the zodiac, as found e.g. in the Sefer Raziel HaMalakh.

The zodiacal signs remain in use as the basis of an ecliptic coordinate system, though modern astronomers tend to use an equatorial coordinate system since Early Modern times. One can see the use of the sidereal coordinate remained in use throughout the medieval period, e.g. in Hermannus Contractus in his de mensura astrolabii liber who gives the locations of stars in stereographic projection for the construction of an astrolabe, There he gives the zodiac coordinate of Antares as 14. Scorpius, equalling a J2000.0 ecliptic longitude of 224° (the 14th degree from the beginning of Scorpius at 210°).

The twelve signs

The symbols used in Western astrology to represent the astrological signs

“What follows is a list of the twelve signs of the zodiac (with the ecliptic longitudes of their first points), where 0° Aries is understood as the vernal equinox, with their Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and Babylonian names (but note that the Sanskrit and the Babylonian name equivalents denote the constellations only, not the tropical zodiac signs):

no. symbol long. Latin name English translation Greek name Sanskrit name Sumero-Babylonian name[12]
1 ♈ 0° Aries The Ram Κριός Meá¹£a MUL LUḪUN.GA “The Agrarian Worker”, Dumuzi
2 ♉ 30° Taurus The Bull Ταύρος Vṛṣabha MULGU4.AN.NA “The Steer of Heaven”
3 ♊ 60° Gemini The Twins Δίδυμοι Mithuna MULMAÅ .TAB.BA.GAL.GAL “The Great Twins” (Lugalgirra and Meslamta-ea)
4 ♋ 90° Cancer The Crab Καρκίνος Karka MULAL.LUL “The Crayfish”
5 ♌ 120° Leo The Lion Λέων Siṃha MULUR.GU.LA “The Lion”
6 ♍ 150° Virgo The Virgin Παρθένος Kanyā MULAB.SIN “The Furrow”; “The Furrow, the goddess Shala‘s ear of corn”
7 ♎ 180° Libra The Scales Ζυγός Tula zibanitum “The Scales”
8 ♏ 210° Scorpio The Scorpion Σκoρπιός Vṛścika MULGIR.TAB “The Scorpion”
9 ♐ 240° Sagittarius Centaur The Archer Τοξότης Dhanus MULPA.BIL.SAG, Nedu “soldier”
10 ♑ 270° Capricorn “Goat-horned” (The Sea-Goat) Αἰγόκερως Makara MULSUḪUR.MAÅ  “The Goat-Fish”
11 â™’ 300° Aquarius The Water Bearer Ὑδροχόος Kumbha MULGU.LA “The Great One”, later qâ “pitcher”
12 ♓ 330° Pisces The Fishes Ἰχθείς MÄ«na MULSIM.MAḪ “The Tail of the Swallow”, later DU.NU.NU “fish-cord”

The zodiacal symbols are Early Modern simplifications of conventional pictorial representations of the signs, attested since Hellenistic times. The symbols are encoded in Unicode at positions U+2648 to U+2653.

Zodiacal constellations

” It is important to distinguish the zodiacal signs from the constellations associated with them, not only because of their drifting apart due to the precession of equinoxes but also because the physical constellations by nature of their varying shapes and forms take up varying widths of the ecliptic. Thus, Virgo takes up fully five times as much ecliptic longitude as Scorpius. The zodiacal signs, on the other hand, are an abstraction from the physical constellations designed to represent exactly one twelfth of the full circle each, or the longitude traversed by the Sun in about 30.4 days.

There have always been a number of “parazodiacal” constellations which are also touched by the paths of the planets. The MUL.APIN lists Orion, Perseus, Auriga and Andromeda. Furthermore, there are a number of constellations mythologically associated with the zodiacal ones: Piscis Austrinus, The Southern Fish, is attached to Aquarius. In classical maps it swallows the stream poured out of Aquarius’ pitcher, but perhaps it formerly just swam in it. Aquila, The Eagle, was possibly associated with the zodiac by virtue of its main star, Altair. Hydra in the Early Bronze Age marked the celestial equator and was associated with Leo, which is shown standing on the serpent on the Dendera zodiac. Corvus is the Crow or Raven mysteriously perched on the tail of Hydra. The MUL.APIN glosses Hydra as “the Snake Ningizzida, lord of the Netherworld”. Ningizzida together with Dumuzi (Aries) and Pabilsag (Sagittarius) governed the household of the queen of the underworld.

Taking the current constellation boundaries as defined in 1930 by the International Astronomical Union, the ecliptic itself passes through an additional thirteenth constellation, Ophiuchus, situated between Scorpius and Sagittarius. This is already recognized in Ptolemy‘s Almagest.

Table of dates

“The following table compares the Gregorian dates on which the Sun enters

The theoretical beginning of Aries is the moment of vernal equinox, and all other dates shift accordingly. The precise Gregorian times and dates vary slightly from year to year as the Gregorian calendar shifts relative to the tropical year. These variations remain within less than two days’ difference in the recent past and the near future, vernal equinox in UTC always falling either on 20 or 21 of March in the period of 1797 to 2043, falling on 19 March in 1796 the last time and in 2044 the next. In the long term, if the Gregorian calendar isn’t reformed, the equinox will move to earlier dates: it will fall on 18 March for the first time in AD 4092.

Sign Constellation
Name Symbol Tropical zodiac
(2009, UTC)
Sidereal zodiac
(Jyotisha) (2009, UTC)[18]
Name IAU constellation boundaries (2009) Solar stay Brightest star
Aries Aries 20 March – 19 April 14 April – 14 May Aries 18 April – 14 May 25.5 days Hamal
Taurus Taurus 19 April – 20 May 14 May – 13 June Taurus 14 May – 21 June 38.2 days Aldebaran
Gemini Gemini 20 May – 21 June 13 June – 14 July Gemini 21 June – 20 July 29.3 days Pollux
Cancer Cancer 21 June – 22 July 14 July – 13 August Cancer 20 July – 10 August 21.1 days Al Tarf
Leo Leo 22 July – 23 August 13 August – 13 September Leo 10 August – 16 September 36.9 days Regulus
Virgo Virgo 23 August – 22 September 13 September – 13 October Virgo 16 September – 31 October 44.5 days Spica
Libra Libra 22 September – 23 October 13 October – 12 November Libra 31 October – 21 November 21.1 days Zubeneschamali
Scorpio Scorpio 23 October – 22 November 13 November – 13 December Scorpius 21 November – 29 November 8.4 days Antares
Serpentarius Serpentarius n/a Ophiuchus 29 November – 18 December 18.4 days Rasalhague
Sagittarius Sagittarius 22 November – 21 December 13 December – 12 January Sagittarius 18 December – 20 January 33.6 days Kaus Australis
Capricorn Capricornus 21 December – 20 January 12 January – 12 February Capricornus 20 January – 17 February 27.4 days Deneb Algedi
Aquarius Aquarius 20 January – 18 February 12 February – 14 March Aquarius 17 February – 13 March 23.9 days Sadalsuud
Pisces Pisces 18 February – 20 March 14 March – 14 April Pisces 13 March – 19 April 37.7 days Eta Piscium

Precession of the equinoxes

The zodiac system was developed in Babylonia, some 2,500 years ago, during the “Age of Aries“. At the time, the precession of the equinoxes was unknown, and the system made no allowance for it. Contemporary use of the coordinate system is presented with the choice of either interpreting the system as sidereal, with the signs fixed to the stellar background, or as tropical, with the signs fixed to the point of vernal equinox.

Western astrology takes the tropical approach, while Hindu astrology takes the sidereal one. This results in the originally unified zodiacal coordinate system drifting apart gradually, with an angular velocity of about 1.4 degrees per century.

For the tropical zodiac used in Western astronomy and astrology, this means that the tropical sign of Aries currently lies somewhere within the constellation Pisces (“Age of Pisces“). The choice of origin for the sidereal coordinate system is known as the ayanamsa, a Sanskrit word.

It is not entirely clear how the Hellenistic astronomers responded to this phenomenon of precession once it had been discovered by Hipparchus around 130 BC. Today, some read Ptolemy as dropping the concept of a fixed celestial sphere and adopting what is referred to as a tropical coordinate system instead: in other words, one fixed to the Earth’s seasonal cycle rather than the distant stars.

Some modern Western astrologers, such as Cyril Fagan, have advocated abandoning the tropical system in favour of a sidereal one.

In modern astronomy

The zodiac is a spherical celestial coordinate system. It designates the ecliptic as its fundamental plane and the position of the Sun at Vernal equinox as its prime meridian.

In astronomy, the zodiacal constellations are a convenient way of marking the ecliptic (the Sun’s path across the sky) and the path of the moon and planets along the ecliptic. Modern astronomy still uses tropical coordinates for predicting the positions the Sun, Moon, and planets, except longitude in the ecliptic coordinate system is numbered from 0° to 360°, not 0° to 30° within each sign. Longitude within individual signs was still being used as late as 1740 by Jacques Cassini in his Tables astronomiques.

Unlike the zodiac signs in astrology, which are all thirty degrees in length, the astronomical constellations vary widely in size. The boundaries of all the constellations in the sky were set by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1930. This was essentially a mapping exercise to make the work of astronomers more efficient, and the boundaries of the constellations are not therefore in any meaningful sense an ‘equivalent’ to the zodiac signs. Along with the twelve original constellations, the boundaries of a thirteenth constellation, Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer), were set by astronomers within the bounds of the zodiac.


In astronomy, the zodiac is the ring of constellations that lines the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun across the sky over the course of the year. The Moon and planets also lie within the ecliptic, and so are also within the constellations of the zodiac. In astrology, the zodiac denotes those signs which divide the ecliptic into twelve equal zones of celestial longitude. As such, the zodiac is a celestial coordinate system, more precisely an ecliptic coordinate system, taking the ecliptic as the origin of latitude, and the position of the sun at vernal equinox as the origin of longitude.

It is known to have been in use by the Roman era, based on concepts inherited by Hellenistic astronomy from Babylonian astronomy of the Chaldean period (mid 1st millennium BC), which in turn derived from an earlier system of lists of stars along the ecliptic.[1] The construction of the zodiac is described in Ptolemy‘s Almagest (2nd century AD).

The term zodiac may also refer to the region of the celestial sphere encompassing the paths of the Moon and the planets corresponding to the band of about eight arc degrees above and below the ecliptic. The zodiac of a given planet is the band which contains the path of that particular body, e.g. the “zodiac of the Moon” is the band of five degrees above and below the ecliptic. By extension, the “zodiac of the comets” may refer to the band encompassing most short-period comets [2]

The term zodiac derives from Latin zōdiacus, in turn from the Greek ζωδιακός κύκλος (zōdiakos kuklos), meaning “circle of animals”, derived from ζώδιον (zōdion), the diminutive of ζῶον (zōon) “animal”. The name is motivated by the fact that many of the signs of the classical Greek zodiac are represented as animals (six out of twelve, plus two mythological hybrids).

Although the zodiac remains the basis of the ecliptic coordinate system in use in astronomy besides the equatorial one, the term and the names of the twelve signs are today mostly associated with horoscopic astrology.

Readings and prediction, be careful of not making the common mistakes!

Dear Friends, I know I have been absent from the blog for a while, but I have had sooo much work and honestly needed to focus my immediate attention on the spells.

What I want to talk about now is the readings, which many of you seem to be a fan of (and it’s understandable why, it’s exciting to know about the future, isn’t it?).
Readings and prediction are old arts that, in general, are combinable with spells. The reading gives you a POSSIBLE future. The spell is there to correct it.

So when a client comes to me and say, “but I had a reading, and they say I can’t achieve what I want!” I explain that readings are only a reference of a possible future, but they shouldn’t determine our actions because if we let them do that, we are conditioning our future, which is variable and moves all the time.

To make it simple, look at the future as something alive. The way you feed it, the way it will develop. Of course, some things are “meant” to be, but they are not 100% sure either. Otherwise, where is our free will!
So, be aware of it. When you have a reading done, take it as a reference and do something about it (whether to change it or make it happen) and come to me, together we will work on your happiness.
Remember, my spells will cover all areas: Love, money, beauty, luck, body, etc.

That’s all for now! I will write again soon with more exciting things.
Best regards!