Halloween left with great energies!

In previous weeks to Halloween, you might have noticed general conflicts and problems in the communications. For example, I was working from a spiritual retreat, and things were very dense and problematic. My Internet was not even working correctly! The energies seemed not to flow the same way as usual, and I was feeling uneasy, so to say, but that’s because Mercury was in retrograde!

But Halloween came, and its energies are soothing the conflicts and helping Mercury pass by without more trouble and more importantly, the spells you get during this upcoming month will be empowered by this wonderful Halloween energy, so get in line and contact me for your work!

Don’t forget I can help you in all the aspects of your life, love, money, body, beauty, work, luck, or even if your situation requires a unique spell. I can do it all. Just contact me directly for a consultation.


My love spells, revamped!

Hello friends! It’s been a while I know! I have been working non-stop to improve my spells and find ways of helping you better, as I always do.

I have found and created new formulas for my love spells, so be ready for more power and efficiency!

Go to my website and check them out yourself! And don’t forget to contact me directly if you have a case you consider hard or stubborn since we will need a special spell for that.

Lots of love!!!


30th April – Special Wiccan/Pagan celebration!!

Hello Friends! I am very happy since the 30th of April is approaching!

It’s a very important day that we all Wiccan and pagan embrace. It’s the beginning of the new circle of life, the celebration of prosperity, fertility, and love! No need to say that the energies that this day and the whole week around this day, gathers are wonderful and really powerful! So do not hesitate to contact me to have your cast then! I have few available spots left, so make sure you book with me then.

Love spells – Money spells – Beauty spells – Body spells – Powerful spells – Protection spells – Weight loss spells – Job spells – Luck spells

Magick and its types

Hello Friends, just a general post to discuss Magick and the different kinds you can find there.

As you well know, there are many different types of Magick, and I will list some of them below, but the best kind is whatever works best for you, whatever you feel comfortable with.

Some spell casters like me combine different types of magick to achieve better results.

Enjoy the info!

Symbolic Magick

Symbolic Magick uses symbols to represent your goals. Numbers, photographs, tarot, runes, Oghams, Numerology, and even candles are used in this type of magick. Anything that can be used to represent what you are doing is okay to use. Making your symbols and making them to represent what you desire is always a powerful inducement in magick, because it is a part of you.

Talismans and Amulets

These are magickally “charged” items and are representational of whatever magick is being done. Talismans and Amulets are usually worn or carried on the person for protection, love, luck, or for whatever purpose is necessary. This is also a type of symbolic magick. Many things can be utilized for this purpose. Many use pendants, rings, items carried inside a pouch or “mojo”, etc, to make an amulet or talisman.

Candle Magick

One of the oldest and easiest forms of magick is Candle Magick. You can burn a candle while meditating to ensure your goal. This is just one of the things that candles are used for. They are present in many rituals, and many are used as aromatherapy as well.

Herbal Magick

Herbs can be used medicinally or magickally, but there is a difference. Medicinally, they can be ingested to aid in healing, but not all are used this way. Some herbs are poisonous so take care when using them. Certain herbs can be used but only in a magickal process. For various reasons, they can be used as a talisman or an amulet in a pouch or dream pillow. You can burn them, use them in a candle, potpourri, bathwater, etc., but you may NOT ingest them. There are hundreds of herbs available right at your grocers or health food stores, and each one has its own magickal or medicinal value. Be sure to use extreme care and know what you are doing when using herbs.

Elemental Magick

Elemental Magick is done using Fire, Water, Air, and Earth elements. Each element has its aspects and is used in almost all forms of Magick in one way or another. If you study the section on elemental meditation, you will see the form of magick that I enjoy the most.

Color Magick

Color Magick. Color can completely change our moods and emotions. This has been proven, and color has been used in schools and doctor’s offices because it has been shown that people work, learn, and even feel better in rooms of specific colors. Yellow tends to be a cheerful color. When using Color Magick, you must first choose a color representing your goal, such as pink for love or blue for healing. Then you can use color visualization to realize your wishes. Color visualization is a good form to use in Color Magick, especially in healing, but you can also use candle magick or something similar.

Crystal or Gem Stone Magick

With Crystal Magick, each stone or gem has its magickal properties. A stone can be used to enhance a spell or used on its own. It can be worn, carried, used as an amulet, charm, etc.

Poppet Magick

Poppet or Representational Magick is similar to “voodoo”. It utilizes the figure of the individual that you are working the spell for. This helps in visualizing the need or desire and also the end result. Visualization is an important aspect of magick, one of the most important. Poppets can be made from almost anything and are sold in many occult shops, but the best ones are the ones you fashion yourself. All you need is bits of cloth and thread or clay and sticks etc., or whatever you can make a small figurine out of. Attaching bits of hair, nail clippings, an article of clothing, a personal item, a photograph, or even a magazine photo personalizes it for the person and yourself as well. It can work extremely well for visualization. This is what is called your psychic link if you recall your lessons.

Knot Magick

Knot Magick is also called Cord Magick or Binding Magick. With this kind of magick, you use a rope, cord, string, piece of yarn, ribbon, etc., to signify the desire. By tying knots in the cord, you declare your desires. You may also tie things into each knot if you need to represent something else. I have seen people tie feathers, hair, pieces of paper, etc., into each knot they tie.

Happy holidays!!!

Dear Friends, I just wanted to wish you all to have a great holiday along with your loved ones.
Have the best end of this year and a great beginning!! And remember, if you are not happy with your 2012 and want to make a difference for next year, talk to me, ask me to help you, and I will. Why wouldn’t your expectations become true in 2013?
Money, love, body issues. Those are all things that can be solved with the right magick, so dare to live your life to the fullest this new 2013!!


Happy Holidays!

Money spells improved!

Hi friends!
I’m writing a quicky just to let you know that I worked with the money spells last month to improve them and I succeeded! I changed materials and the ceremonies to make them more powerful and faster. I am delighted with what I have achieved, so now it is time for you to enjoy the benefits!

So go back to my website and order your money spell now or contact me today if you have a special case and require something more powerful.
These powerful spells work!!!

2012, the year of the big change…

Predicted by many cultures and religions, this year is a special one. Many think about the doomsdays and the end of the world. As we know it, I would say. Something is changing, and it is time for people to align with the change or suffer for not.

Just don’t be afraid. Open up your hearts and souls to the universe, whichever your cult, religion, and belief are. Unite to evolve and embrace the new era because it is about a new beginning.


Holiday month full of surprises!

Hi my friends, I am here to tell you that this special month I have several surprises!

First of all, you will be able to have any of my SPECIAL spells (the ones for complex cases) half price again! Until the end of the month 😀
And second, I will be performing one last Lottery spell before the year ends! So do not hesitate and write to me!

And lastly, I will be empowering all my spells by using the energy of the Bethlehem star!

Whatever your problem, I will assist you and bring or restore happiness in your life.




Back from Spiritual retreat! One wish spell!

Hi Friends! I am back from my spiritual retreat with excellent news! I will be releasing a special spell in the next week.

It’s a spell I have been working with for many years, and now it is ready for you, my beloved clients.

With great strength and power, a one wish spell will achieve that one thing you always wished for. Fame? Success? are you in love with a celebrity, and you want to be loved back? WHATEVER you want, WHOMEVER you wish for: this spell will make it happen.

Contact me for more details.
Best regards!

2012 is getting closer – a special spell to secure your safety!

The end of the days as we know them is getting closer. Many predictions and speculations about the subject have been made. The end is nearly here(?), so instead of panicking, get informed and find a safe place so you can enjoy a new upcoming era.

I have made a special spell for that. It will ensure your safety and provide you with the information needed to make it to this world’s next stage.
Go to this link and get your protection spell now! Limited cast, so don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Best Regards!



Apocalypse 2012!