Secrets of magick

Many of you ask me how it is possible. What is magick? What makes my magick different and so powerful? Is there any chance that they can do it by themselves?

Cast spells is an ancient tradition that belongs to many cultures, religions and it’s different from one to another. To explain it with today’s language, I would say that it’s the art of handling different types of energy with a directed purpose: help others (not yourself).

In each culture, particular people were designated to cast spells because they have a special gift: the power to work with those energies and mold them into their will (always playing by the rules of the tradition they belonged to, of course). Those special people had access to the knowledge and the training to become experts in those arts. The descendant of those wizards and witches had the same fate as their relatives, which was not discussed.

Good and bad about it

This last thing has changed in modern days, allowing access to secrets, spells, and hexes massively, and a skeptic society dismissed the main traditions. This is good and bad. Good, because it has allowed discovering different ways of magick, and many men and women found that they had gifts as well. Bad because people think that anyone can do it and it’s an easy task that doesn’t require any effort.

It would be best if you had years of studies, much training and of course research and devotion to the other. You also need to be involved in the tradition that fulfills your soul and creed to make this responsible, effective, and professional.

So I guess the difference is in the skills, the power, the knowledge, and the devotion that the spell caster possesses.

A clear example would be, if you feel sick, do you medicate yourself or go to a doctor to get the right cured? Now you know why I can help you better and why I do not recommend you do it yourself.


Trying new spells

Hi Friends!

This time I come to tell you about my last spiritual retreat! I gathered with some colleagues last week, and we discussed implementing new materials in our works.
It was a brainstorm and a good practice that always keeps us updated and improves our hexes!

This time the spiritual retreat focused on money/financial spells to fight back this worldwide crisis!

Of course, we also talked about the love spells and all the rest! But our main goal was to improve our skills in the financial area.

So, now back and with new knowledge! Do not hesitate to write to me regarding this or whatever your problem is. We together will fix it, and you will be happy and accomplished!



Preparing something special

for Easter!
As many of you know, I have been overbooked and swamped the last few weeks. I was always updating my spells and helping people. It can be a demanding and exhausting task, but it is what I am here for! So be patient! 😀

I wanted to tell you that I am preparing a special love spell for April, and it will be a great opportunity hard to resist!
It will be a limited offer, so be alert and order it before all the spells are purchased.

I leave you now, friends. Take care, peace, and love!



Valentine’s special


Dear friends!
I bring you an extraordinary spell for this Valentine’s Day!
A complete love spell with added energies for your luck and protection.

Give yourselves to love and dare to fulfill your most romantic and passionate wishes with this spell.
Do not be afraid to take what’s yours in this life and if circumstances are not on your side, change them to your benefit!
Recover your lover, get the love of that person who doesn’t seem to know you exist, stop a separation, and win a battle with someone trying to take the love from you!

Get your Valentine’s gift spell in this new 2009 and have your own marvelous love story to tell to your grandchildren later on!

Best regards.




Yes, my friend!
I have meditated it a lot and I’ve decided to go ahead and do one more cast before the end of the year, so do not lose this opportunity! You have to send me your FULL NAME, DOB, BIRTH HOUR, and CITY to see if you are a good candidate for this.
Otherwise, you will have the chance to have this spell again from march 2009.

I will be waiting for your mail!


Special Spell for Christmas!!!!

Dear friends, I am writing to you this time to tell you about this outstanding spell offer.

This is a unique relationship spell that I have been doing tests on. All who had it cast had results within in 4 weeks. Wouldn’t that be great?
I am happy to give the ten first who buy this spell the special price of 129,95 USD! This is a potent spell that usually would cost 400 USD. I am giving YOU a 67% discount only because it is soon Christmas. Christmas is about love and giving.

If you love someone, then buy this spell as your own unique Christmas present! You deserve something good, right?

This is a limited offer, and there are only 8 of 10 spells left, so if you are interested in having the best Christmas ever, then order it now, because in the next 30 min others will order the remaining spells!



News from the stars…

Hello, my friends!

Here I am writing to you again.
This time, I want to remind you that an exciting confluence of energies starts in the middle of September and finishes on the 31st of October.
It means that the ceremonial magick cast during this period will be three times more potent than usual!!
You cannot lose this opportunity. You have to seize the moment and use all the resources available to get what you want! So don’t be afraid of your happiness! I invite you to go through my spells and check the more appropriate ones for your case. If you think that your case might be more complicated than the general, contact me directly, and I will show you the unique magick that will help you.
Remember three times more power! You have to do it!
And thanks to all the people that trusted and are still trusting in my magick! Your happiness is my happiness! I love you all!
Best regards.

Performing spells by your own…

I have received many emails about this subject. People tell me that they have tried many times to cast their spells with no results. They are asking me why and telling me that they feel disappointed and skeptical about magick.

First of all, magick is not a game. Second, in most cases, when you are emotionally involved with the situation, it isn’t easy to be neutral and obtain the expected results.

I know, I know! It can look tempting and exciting to cast a spell by yourself, but it can be a mistake after all.
It’s needed preparation (years of study and practice) and special skills (yes, not everyone can become a spell caster) to be able to perform successful spells and, at the same time to be protected against harmful energies.

So, to save time, hope, and money, my recommendation is always to contact a professional spell caster to assist you with your problem.
And if you still want to try spells and study this art, read a lot first and start with simple things.
I hope this has helped you to understand a bit more about magick.

And feel free to contact me if you have a problem and you want to improve your situation!

With lots of love,



About the free spells…

Hi friends.

I hope you are all doing fine and on the right path!
In this opportunity, I wanted to talk about the results of the free spells. I have heard back from almost all clients who had the free spells cast, and it makes me happy to see that 70% got full results! 🙂

Remember, those spells were for easy situations, so if you didn’t get the results expected, it’s probably because you have a complex case for which I would suggest my more powerful spells.

You are welcome to contact me for a free consultation.
Best regards.

Some changes

Dear Friends!

I know it has been a while, but I have been really busy with much work and improving my skills. This time, I want to talk to you about the new spell I created: the Ancient Love Spell Combo. It’s the replacement for the old Divine Love Spell Combo.

On my last travel through Africa, I collected old secrets and new materials that I have used to enhance my most popular spell. After months of research and study, I finally developed the perfect formula for this combination love spell. This spell is more potent than before, and as it’s cast with an ancient technique, it’s the closest to a customized spell.

You will be allowed to target it to almost everything you want to change about your love situation (3 wishes top), but don’t hesitate to get in touch with me first and tell me your desires and your problem so I will evaluate if that’s the perfect spell for your case or you need something more substantial.

If yours is not a love case, don’t worry, I have many different spells that will suit you, so I invite you to surf my site! And if you don’t think that the listed spells are what you need or your situation is challenging, please contact me directly. Together we will find a solution! I will keep you informed about the latest news!

Love for you all.