2012 is getting closer – a special spell to secure your safety!

The end of the days as we know them is getting closer. Many predictions and speculations about the subject have been made. The end is nearly here(?), so instead of panicking, get informed and find a safe place so you can enjoy a new upcoming era.

I have made a special spell for that. It will ensure your safety and provide you with the information needed to make it to this world’s next stage.
Go to this link and get your protection spell now! Limited cast, so don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Best Regards!



Apocalypse 2012!

End of the world controversy about H. Camping statement

Hello to all! This time I want to put a subject out for discussion.

What do you think about Mr. Camping’s interpretation of the end of the world? He gives his interpretation of the bible (which so far was wrong), and he predicts that the world will end catastrophically on the 21st of October of 2011 (before it was the 21st of May). What do you think about that? What do you feel?

I go with the Wiccan belief that is close to what the Mayan suggested (a considerable change in humanity that will end the world as we know it in 2012, not this year). But there are many different thoughts of what will happen, and when, but the most important thing is to be prepared! You can be prepared in many ways, spiritually, physically, and mentally, so don’t waste time. I have some spells that will help you evolve and protect against the cataclysms that will come, so don’t be afraid to ask. You are always welcome!

Love to you all!