Super Moon

My dear friends! As usual, I am so happy to be in contact with you, bringing you the latest news!

As you well know, this November is special. We are having a super moon and great energies for the spells, so don’t miss out on the chance to have a cast during this month. The spells will be charged with double the amount of power than in any other month!

So we are clear, whatever is your situation, love, money, body issues. I can help you to fix it. And the moon powers will count as an extra free booster!

Just write to me!
Peace and love.

Special spells for Valentine’s!

My dear friends, happy new year to all!
I’ve been away for some time because I am getting ready for a wonderful and loving Valentine’s day. And I am preparing new spells to celebrate that special day.

I know that maybe you don’t have that “special” one in your life yet. Or perhaps you are convinced you have lost that person. And that’s where I come into play! I will revert your situation no matter how bad it is, so this Valentine doesn’t leave you with a bitter taste but with a sweet taste of hope, knowing that your situation will change and this will be the beginning (or continuation) of many Valentine’s to come.

I will also have unique spells for you, who are already in a relationship but not feeling satisfied with your partner for whatever reason (infidelity, not enough love, passion, or just things are not the way they used to). I will give you a solution too, don’t worry!

And even for you, if you just want to improve your finances, looks, and luck, I am working on unique spells for you too!

I’ll be waiting for you.
Peace and love (lot’s of it!) <3


Get ready for new year!

The holidays are a special time for magick. It is the end of a circle, the beginning, and the birth of a new one, and nothing better for this ending than a complete renewal. It will be a turnaround in your life. Achieve those goals you were hoping and working so hard to reach, having the person you love to love back at you, etc.

And I will help you through this transition and bring your life back on track.

Whether you have money issues, love problems, body insecurities, lack of luck, or even if you have a special request, I will help you for good.
So contact me now, do not wait any longer. Finish the year on a high and start the new year with the right foot.
Love and happy holidays to all!

Valentines day without your true love??

Dear Friends, that special day of the year is coming, and it is just unfair if you are alone or in an unhappy relationship. It’s not right that the person you love has not appeared in your life yet or they are no longer with you (or not yet!), so let’s do something about it, sounds fine?

So contact me ASAP to see what the options are to solve your problem! I have been working hard on a new magick technique to get the best out of the loving energies February is bringing, so do not miss your chance!
Love is in the air!!!


useful information about free spells…

Dear Friends!

After receiving some emails with doubts and questions, I want to explain something about the free spells.

These spells are regular spells with a high success rate and with enough power to solve simple cases.

There are different levels of complexity in each situation, and sometimes, a case that seemed simple was actually complicated from an energetic point of view.

What does this mean? Well, if you had a regular spell, then the energy invoked won’t be strong enough, or it might take a long time before you have the results expected.

This doesn’t mean that your case is hopeless or the magick won’t work for you. It means that you have to get something more substantial or faster, like a “hard cases” spell.

I had a client ten days ago who had had a free cast from me, but the situation didn’t seem to improve, so he returned to me, and I suggested a more potent spell. Now he is in the middle of a reconciliation with his ex!

So, do not feel disappointed if the results are taking long. Contact me, and together we will see what’s best for you.

Remember that I am casting free spells until Feb 18th, and for those who had a free cast but want an upgrade, I will offer a great discount.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you think a different spell will help you.

Best regards!