An energetic renewal

Hello to all my friends!

During this month, the northern hemisphere changes and leaves the summer behind while getting into the colder months. This has a direct effect on the energies as the planets are changing as well.

It is an ideal time to connect with our creative side in all of its manifestations since it resonates with the capacities that allow us to make this a better place for ourselves.

Communication plays a leading role since it is the tool we transmit those feelings that move others. In the emotional sphere, it will be positive if we try to make contact with our sensitive side. Rekindle old relationships will be a thing to aim for, so do not hesitate to ask me for help.

It is also a perfect moment to purify ourselves internally, freeing ourselves from any habit that is already toxic or takes us away from the correct harmony of the universe. So remember that besides the love spells, cleansing spells will help you achieve the best for this month!

Blessings to you all!
High Priestess Eilinora

A new beginning

Hello, my friends!

I wanted to come in touch with you to tell you that the energy is mutating. It has begun this past week. What does this mean? It means that we should look inside and evaluate what we have been working hard with. These times are hard enough because we need to overcome our most profound weaknesses. We are getting closer to finishing a mobilizing period where it was necessary to draw survival skills. Being thorough has, therefore, taken a fundamental role in our lives. We needed a change. We had to transform, adapt, and continue.

From this week on, the energies and shapes of our goals will be renewed. Let’s observe how we are reaching this section, give value to our internal work. Love and dedication always bear good results. Let us renew our strength these days, and let’s leave behind specific toxic patterns. This is a time for cleansing and resurgence. We need to empower ourselves through the wisdom of our experience, to understand that each dream has its time. Let’s not lower our arms! We together can work things out with the magick of our universe, and why not with a little extra help.

Remember that for that little extra help, my magick will help you to find the new path, whether it is for love, work, studies, etc. All my love spells suit any circumstance you want to work out.

Blessings to all!
High Priestess Eilinora


Hello to all!

On the first Monday of this month, we entered a special time represented by the Archetype “The Agreements.” Under the phase of the Waning Moon, it always invites us to stop and observe ourselves. Time to Clean, Heal, Drain everything related to everything. We perceive it as a commitment, our word our promises.

We come to this Universe with an agreement made upon before being reborn, not to let us forget that every day should not paralyze us or take away our consciousness. Neither of who we are nor what we want. We have come to the world committed to the soul that belongs to us, so let’s begin by generating what we yearn for around us. We radiate light from different facets, and we have so many different angles internally that projects in our path. We are the sum of all of them!

Let’s close accounts, clean up what no longer works, take out of our own being everything that does not identify us, that does not belong to us, and from so much holding. Let’s transform the mask we’ve been wearing. Our first Agreement is to be FREE and find completeness! We need to find the way back to our true selves.

It is time to Bring Back the Shine

Ok, I know, this might sound too much and too far from where we are, but as you know, I am, as a love spells caster, here always to guide you through the path of life and help you out to achieve those things you might think you are incapable of! From the hand of my spells and my magick, let’s make these agreements happen once for all!

Love and light!

Moon eclipse!

Hello to all my friends!

The Full Moon Eclipse opened the doors for a powerful internal and external massive change, since the Energy that was awakened by this cosmic event is to break structures and accept our Essence once for all, it is time for you to take action and change what you have not been liking of your life so far.

We come from other Eclipses that worked with situations from the past to free ourselves and start to let go. With this one, in particular, the old pillars shake because they no longer hold, and in an unexpected way, we react “opening our eyes to a new reality “.

Success will not be related to external approval, simply because we begin to accept ourselves, and it will be our true triumph. Internally we will stop fighting against something that we can no longer (nor want to) keep unchanged. Those who desire another life but cannot achieve it will receive the needed help from the hand of strong spells.

The Eclipse has arrived and a New Cycle opens …

Write to me for more information about the spells.

Improve your life before fall starts!

I know. We all have been there. The year started, you had big plans and many illusions, and in the blink of an eye, you find yourself in the middle of the year with no positive changes whatsoever, and you don’t even know how you got here. Everything is the same. None of your plans came forward, or there was just a bit of improvement, but that’s all. It happens.
We have all been there. And it is hard sometimes to change things around without help.

Don’t worry. It is ok to ask for help!

And I am here for that exactly! So I encourage you to talk to me and open up. I will aid you. My spells will change things around for you.
So contact me, and let’s conquer those plans you had before the fall!
Peace and love.

Special Christmas spells

My dear friends, as usual, it is lovely to communicate with you. I have been pretty busy that’s why my posts were not so often, but I promise I will be more active with the blog in the upcoming months.

We are now in December, close to the end of the year and as you already know, I like to bring you special spells and deals to enjoy the holidays and to start the next year with energy and solutions!

I am now using a special magick for all my spells. Meaning that during December, all the spells will be boosted! Love, money, luck, beauty, protection, job, body, weight loss, and special spells, all of them!

Furthermore, I want to give you a discount code to use when you proceed to checkout: Xmas2014

And please do not hesitate to write to me whenever you need! I am happy to help you all <3

April 30th is coming!!!

Dear friends, As you already know, once a year an extraordinary powerful day comes, April 30th, which is the best day to cast a spell of any kind of spell!


April 30th is an old pagan feast day where druids cast their most important spells. Have your spell cast this day for maximum results!

Are you stuck with the fears of insecurity or troubled by financial issues? Is your love life in jeopardy or is there a lack of focus in your life? Unable to attract the right partner in your life? Have your life spiraled downwards and do you need to remove bad energies?
Not feeling pretty enough? Desperately looking for a solution to resolve these problems?

Let me, one of the world’s most powerful white witches, cast a spell for you!

Today, With the Pagan fest approaching on the 30th of April, I will provide 10 special spell casts so grab your spot before they are all gone!

Contact me

New magick for this year!!!

Hello friends!!! I am happy to announce that after much work between December and February, I have redesigned my spells, bringing you more power and even more success than before! It’s just an update to all my spells, and you will not be affected in any way but positively! After long research, study, and hard work, I have implemented new materials and new techniques to my vast number of spells. I will be implementing the latest practices slowly, though the first spells to be affected will be the “love” ones and the “hard cases” ones since they are the most required spells.

So that’s it. I just wanted to update you quickly and explain why I’ve been so mysterious and silent lately.
Love and light!



Halloween left with great energies!

In previous weeks to Halloween, you might have noticed general conflicts and problems in the communications. For example, I was working from a spiritual retreat, and things were very dense and problematic. My Internet was not even working correctly! The energies seemed not to flow the same way as usual, and I was feeling uneasy, so to say, but that’s because Mercury was in retrograde!

But Halloween came, and its energies are soothing the conflicts and helping Mercury pass by without more trouble and more importantly, the spells you get during this upcoming month will be empowered by this wonderful Halloween energy, so get in line and contact me for your work!

Don’t forget I can help you in all the aspects of your life, love, money, body, beauty, work, luck, or even if your situation requires a unique spell. I can do it all. Just contact me directly for a consultation.


Valentines day without your true love??

Dear Friends, that special day of the year is coming, and it is just unfair if you are alone or in an unhappy relationship. It’s not right that the person you love has not appeared in your life yet or they are no longer with you (or not yet!), so let’s do something about it, sounds fine?

So contact me ASAP to see what the options are to solve your problem! I have been working hard on a new magick technique to get the best out of the loving energies February is bringing, so do not miss your chance!
Love is in the air!!!