Super Moon

My dear friends! As usual, I am so happy to be in contact with you, bringing you the latest news!

As you well know, this November is special. We are having a super moon and great energies for the spells, so don’t miss out on the chance to have a cast during this month. The spells will be charged with double the amount of power than in any other month!

So we are clear, whatever is your situation, love, money, body issues. I can help you to fix it. And the moon powers will count as an extra free booster!

Just write to me!
Peace and love.

2012 is getting closer – a special spell to secure your safety!

The end of the days as we know them is getting closer. Many predictions and speculations about the subject have been made. The end is nearly here(?), so instead of panicking, get informed and find a safe place so you can enjoy a new upcoming era.

I have made a special spell for that. It will ensure your safety and provide you with the information needed to make it to this world’s next stage.
Go to this link and get your protection spell now! Limited cast, so don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Best Regards!



Apocalypse 2012!

Some changes

Dear Friends!

I know it has been a while, but I have been really busy with much work and improving my skills. This time, I want to talk to you about the new spell I created: the Ancient Love Spell Combo. It’s the replacement for the old Divine Love Spell Combo.

On my last travel through Africa, I collected old secrets and new materials that I have used to enhance my most popular spell. After months of research and study, I finally developed the perfect formula for this combination love spell. This spell is more potent than before, and as it’s cast with an ancient technique, it’s the closest to a customized spell.

You will be allowed to target it to almost everything you want to change about your love situation (3 wishes top), but don’t hesitate to get in touch with me first and tell me your desires and your problem so I will evaluate if that’s the perfect spell for your case or you need something more substantial.

If yours is not a love case, don’t worry, I have many different spells that will suit you, so I invite you to surf my site! And if you don’t think that the listed spells are what you need or your situation is challenging, please contact me directly. Together we will find a solution! I will keep you informed about the latest news!

Love for you all.