Special Spell 30th May

My dear Friends, You know how I like to bring you new and more powerful spells all the time. Well, now and from my ancient book of shadows, I introduce you to my unique casts ONLY AVAILABLE ONCE EVERY 10 YEARS!

As you all well know, the Mayans taught us the importance of understanding the movements of celestial bodies around us. They could read into things and knew when it was more or less favorable to perform rituals. They knew that different positions of the planets and stars tell us when we can harvest energies and project them into our living world. Into magic spells!

Are you, like many others, tired of waiting for results? On May 30th, Mars is closer than it has been for a decade. I know how to exploit this into a 10x as powerful spell as usual.

The special ritual I will perform has been passed down to me by many generations and originates from an ancient coven. Expect to see excellent results. It will surely be memorable! Your spell will be cast on May 30th, so be sure to contact me for further information!

Peace and love <3

Special spells for Valentine’s!

My dear friends, happy new year to all!
I’ve been away for some time because I am getting ready for a wonderful and loving Valentine’s day. And I am preparing new spells to celebrate that special day.

I know that maybe you don’t have that “special” one in your life yet. Or perhaps you are convinced you have lost that person. And that’s where I come into play! I will revert your situation no matter how bad it is, so this Valentine doesn’t leave you with a bitter taste but with a sweet taste of hope, knowing that your situation will change and this will be the beginning (or continuation) of many Valentine’s to come.

I will also have unique spells for you, who are already in a relationship but not feeling satisfied with your partner for whatever reason (infidelity, not enough love, passion, or just things are not the way they used to). I will give you a solution too, don’t worry!

And even for you, if you just want to improve your finances, looks, and luck, I am working on unique spells for you too!

I’ll be waiting for you.
Peace and love (lot’s of it!) <3


Get ready for new year!

The holidays are a special time for magick. It is the end of a circle, the beginning, and the birth of a new one, and nothing better for this ending than a complete renewal. It will be a turnaround in your life. Achieve those goals you were hoping and working so hard to reach, having the person you love to love back at you, etc.

And I will help you through this transition and bring your life back on track.

Whether you have money issues, love problems, body insecurities, lack of luck, or even if you have a special request, I will help you for good.
So contact me now, do not wait any longer. Finish the year on a high and start the new year with the right foot.
Love and happy holidays to all!

Improve your life before fall starts!

I know. We all have been there. The year started, you had big plans and many illusions, and in the blink of an eye, you find yourself in the middle of the year with no positive changes whatsoever, and you don’t even know how you got here. Everything is the same. None of your plans came forward, or there was just a bit of improvement, but that’s all. It happens.
We have all been there. And it is hard sometimes to change things around without help.

Don’t worry. It is ok to ask for help!

And I am here for that exactly! So I encourage you to talk to me and open up. I will aid you. My spells will change things around for you.
So contact me, and let’s conquer those plans you had before the fall!
Peace and love.

Powerful April 30th – special spell

Special spells April 30thHello, my friends! As you all well know, the end of April is approaching and the energies are gathering! So this is the perfect time to get your hands over my special casts. Love, money, luck, beauty-related spells that will solve all your problems.

So order your spell before I get fully booked!

Let me help you for real!


Special Christmas spells

My dear friends, as usual, it is lovely to communicate with you. I have been pretty busy that’s why my posts were not so often, but I promise I will be more active with the blog in the upcoming months.

We are now in December, close to the end of the year and as you already know, I like to bring you special spells and deals to enjoy the holidays and to start the next year with energy and solutions!

I am now using a special magick for all my spells. Meaning that during December, all the spells will be boosted! Love, money, luck, beauty, protection, job, body, weight loss, and special spells, all of them!

Furthermore, I want to give you a discount code to use when you proceed to checkout: Xmas2014

And please do not hesitate to write to me whenever you need! I am happy to help you all <3

Halloween left with great energies!

In previous weeks to Halloween, you might have noticed general conflicts and problems in the communications. For example, I was working from a spiritual retreat, and things were very dense and problematic. My Internet was not even working correctly! The energies seemed not to flow the same way as usual, and I was feeling uneasy, so to say, but that’s because Mercury was in retrograde!

But Halloween came, and its energies are soothing the conflicts and helping Mercury pass by without more trouble and more importantly, the spells you get during this upcoming month will be empowered by this wonderful Halloween energy, so get in line and contact me for your work!

Don’t forget I can help you in all the aspects of your life, love, money, body, beauty, work, luck, or even if your situation requires a unique spell. I can do it all. Just contact me directly for a consultation.


My love spells, revamped!

Hello friends! It’s been a while I know! I have been working non-stop to improve my spells and find ways of helping you better, as I always do.

I have found and created new formulas for my love spells, so be ready for more power and efficiency!

Go to my website and check them out yourself! And don’t forget to contact me directly if you have a case you consider hard or stubborn since we will need a special spell for that.

Lots of love!!!


30th April – Special Wiccan/Pagan celebration!!

Hello Friends! I am very happy since the 30th of April is approaching!

It’s a very important day that we all Wiccan and pagan embrace. It’s the beginning of the new circle of life, the celebration of prosperity, fertility, and love! No need to say that the energies that this day and the whole week around this day, gathers are wonderful and really powerful! So do not hesitate to contact me to have your cast then! I have few available spots left, so make sure you book with me then.

Love spells – Money spells – Beauty spells – Body spells – Powerful spells – Protection spells – Weight loss spells – Job spells – Luck spells

Valentines day without your true love??

Dear Friends, that special day of the year is coming, and it is just unfair if you are alone or in an unhappy relationship. It’s not right that the person you love has not appeared in your life yet or they are no longer with you (or not yet!), so let’s do something about it, sounds fine?

So contact me ASAP to see what the options are to solve your problem! I have been working hard on a new magick technique to get the best out of the loving energies February is bringing, so do not miss your chance!
Love is in the air!!!